Edible Gardens


One of the hot new trends in landscaping is edible gardens.

Not only will you save money on your grocery bill but your family will have fun gardening together. An added bonus is that you can feed your family pesticide free fruits, vegetables and herbs.

All that’s needed is a small plot of land in a sunny location, just till and plant. You  can also opt for building raised planter boxes, or even easier, plant in containers on the deck or patio. Make sure to add a nutrient enriched compost such as mushroom or leaf compost. This gives your soil an added “boost” without adding chemicals.


You can start seeds indoors early in the spring, then you’ll have a head start when you're ready to plant outdoors.

Heirloom seeds are becoming more widely available too.

If you have any questions, give us a call and we can offer suggestions and pointers.

We can even deliver Mushroom Compost, Leaf Compost or a Blended Garden Mix.


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